COMMUNICATION SKILLS are imperative for your success in any field of endeavor. The Carnegie Institute of Technology reports that 15% of financial and career success is due to technical competence and 85% is due to interpersonal skills. Therefore, whether you are a sales person, an attorney, a teacher, an advertising executive, a physician, an insurance broker, a realtor, an accountant, a banker, a politician, a news reporter, a club officer, or a bride-to-be, or anyone else wishing to enhance presentational or interpersonal skills for business or special social events….WELCOME to the WORLD OF PERFORMANCE.
Transforming tension into positive energy through a SPECIFIC FORMULA structured for approaching material and delivering it to an audience of one or one million. CONFIDENCE STARTS DEVELOPING IMMEDIATELY.
Cultivating an understanding of the value of sharing ideas and information in a variety of climates. IMPROVISATIONAL TOOLS are used here to prepare for all types of situations: high pressure atmospheres, difficult and/or uncertain environments, over the phone scenarios, etc.
Breathing and Speech exercises. All work is RECORDED.
Assistance with organizing, writing, and rewriting speeches or presentational information.
Specific approach for the mastery of material, whether a formal speech or information delivered on the one-on-one level.
All material is performed ON CAMERA and viewed back on a TV MONITOR. When you are able to see yourself as the world sees you, remarkable progress occurs rapidly.
Should your work require you to make TV appearances the specific requirements of the CAMERA are covered, rehearsed and viewed for evaluation.
Appearance, wardrobe, and body language are addressed with the aid of the camera, resulting in an ENHANCEMENT OF YOUR PHYSICAL PRESENTATION.