Connected Sound Technique
Speech and diction taught through the application of abdominal breathing and the understanding of Connected Sound Energy. The goal is to eliminate ineffective speech patterns and accents, to create RICH VOICE QUALITY, and to introduce the student to the VALUE OF WORDS and their CONNECTION TO FEELINGS. Foundational for basic acting technique. Each session is RECORDED.
Breaking down commercial copy into a simple, specific formula which strongly prepares the student for commercial auditions and performance. Each student is given a variety of copy to handle. Through this material the VALUE OF WORDS and how to use them is introduced. Work done on CAMERA and AUDIO RECORDED, incorporating the voice-over process as well. This training is fundamental for solid acting technique. WITH THIS APPROACH NO COPY WILL EVER INTIMIDATE YOU.
Monologues are a powerful tool for solid acting technique. Material is carefully chosen for each student. An understanding of how to breakdown each piece is taught. The goal is to train the actor to feel very comfortable in the fiction, flying SOLO. The result is that the artist develops the ability to approach an audition or performance with confidence, knowing he or she will never fall below a certain level of excellence, because there is a defined technique supporting the effort. On CAMERA.
Training through word exercises and created scene set-ups. Emphasis is on the development of both emotional and physical freedom and the stimulation of imagination. The goal is to teach the student to truthfully ‘FLY FREE IN THE FICTION’ without the burden of the script. Inhibitions dissolve and are replaced with incredible confidence. Excellent foundation for scene work.
Scenes from soaps, plays, movies and television are studied and diagrammed. Students are shown how to DISSECT SCENES: identifying the character, understanding the objective, and determining and preparing for the starting mood. The CAMERA is used from the beginning to performance, showing the progression of technique. This process is thorough and demanding, resulting in wonderful performances.
The goal is to always audition well, because although no one is going to be the right type for every part, the actor wants to consistently leave the casting people with a strong, positive impression. If you are remembered favorably, chances are you may be called again for the next part. Therefore, auditioning is constantly addressed throughout the process of training. With commercials, monologues, and scenes, the actor is required, intermittently, to perform material as if at an audition. Sometimes the material is prepared and sometimes it is a COLD READING. To be able to pick up copy “sight unseen” and be able to create a memorable impression at ‘first glance’ is imperative, and depends on strong technique, involving the word, the thought, the feeling, and the delivery. ACCOMPLISHING THE ABILITY TO CREATE PERFORMANCE IN A HEARTBEAT RESULTS IN A WONDERFUL SENSE OF CONFIDENCE FOR THE ARTIST.